I am the only one who can help you.
Age: Looks to be between 18 and 24, but has existed since at least the 1960s
Gender: Indeterminate, won't give a relevant answer when asked
Pronouns: Responds to any
Species: Most resembles a coyote
Family: King Dark
Relationship status: single, but flirts with Luke at any given opportunity
Title: Princet of The dark halls
Occupation: Helps lost misplaced when he feels like being useful
Height: 5'3" but sometimes appears smaller
Build: Very slim

Bright colors
Playing outside
Dim lighting
Retro technology

Getting dirty
Cool white light
Having short sleeves

- Does the face thing on purpose to creep people out because it's funny :o3
- smells like either stale birthday cake or vintage perfumes, usually depending on where you meet them
- "blood" looks like a photorealistic sky with clouds. It's probably not actually blood. Their bruises look like smudges of TV static.
- hates getting dirty, but eats with its hands a lot.

Easily mistaken for another one of the misplaced, until he covers his face more than halfway or laughs a little too loudly at something and canned studio laughter comes out instead. He's generally really sociable, easily bored and helpful about half the time at best, so it's not uncommon for misplaced to run into him while they're in more nostalgia-centric liminal spaces and either find company or assistance in him. He's not shy about his anomalous nature, so most figure out very quickly that they're in the company of not a misplaced, but a denizen of the strange spaces they're lost in; Some even go looking for him or try to get his attention when they need help, and if he likes you or what you're offering, it often works. He responds most reliably to gifts of stickers or sweets or small toys, or singing or playing songs that he likes.
Being "sociable" isn't the same as being friendly, though. Those who spend time in Rat's presence quickly learn that it's not as far-flung from its much more hostile parent entity as it first appears - It's almost always in a constant state of overstimulation, because despite how much time it spends in bright, sunny spaces, it hates bright sunlight, and it hates silence so much that it'll force any speakers or radios in its vicinity to play several loud songs at once, and sing if it can't find any. It's surprisingly moody, under the near-permanent smile, and isn't shy about insulting people or making fun of them if they get on its nerves. It's not known to be dangerous, but its visual resemblance to King Dark is not merely an aesthetic one. While King Dark is actively hostile and an immediate threat, the worst Rat will do is scare... but it does become a lot more erratic when in situations or dark spaces where its hidden face can be seen. It's suspected that the hidden face might actually be its real one, considering that its physical body seems subject to change depending on its mood.

Design notes